In photography, perspective is everything - and the angle we hold the camera is only the beginning. Recognizing this fact, I thought I would take a step back and give some perspective about the person behind the lens. Who knows, maybe even those of you who know me well will learn something new.
Next month on the ninth I will have been married three years! This comes as a surprise to some because we were married after knowing each other for eight months, dating for five or six of them. When I see what I want I tend to not wait around to be sure. Side note - we didn't even kiss till that day on my dads back porch - witnessed by 10 of our closest family.
I'm going on four years now as a structural engineer. This is my career and I try and not make it my life. Life is for living, work is for paying for it. With that said, engineering has given me a perspective on life I never would have known without it. Growing up I was sure I was going to be a gold metal swimmer. That transformed into an artist, which got me into drafting at Chemeketa Community College, which lead to a B.S. degree from OSU in Civil Engineering.
I love photography for many reasons - some of them not so pure. I love the angles and the adventure of taking a shot from some unique spot that no one has though of before. I also love it because even an elaborate set up of a camera only takes minutes at most to take a shot - where as my old mediums in artistry took weeks or months to complete (resulting in most pieces never getting finished). Also, who doesn't appreciate every time they get out of the house and into the fresh air? Most of my pictures come from long long walks around the city with no particular destination in mind. I let the stop lights at the cross walk tell me right or left. Or when I'm out in the woods, its typically the path less traveled (which has gotten me in more trouble sometimes than you could imagine - but if the worst happens, at least my camera will speak on my behalf - jk).
So without prolonging any further, my theme this week is a sample of my long walks. AND - I decided that next week I'm posting some of my sunrises and sunsets - so I'm gonna leave you a preview of that. I'm doing this for feedback, so as this progresses please feel free to leave a critical comment no matter what the length. Thanks and enjoy.

this is good. i like the lines that seem to pop from the page. a fresh eye, certainly different from the current trending in the sport of photography, yet certainly not lacking in talent. i like the blog Bobja. : ]